Thursday, December 22, 2005

Weeklyphoto 12.22.2005

It's been a quick year for me. I know Weeklyphoto wasn't so "weekly" at times, but I hope you all enjoyed the parts of the year you did see. As long as my camera doesn't break, I promise keep them coming in the new year. Thanks for everyone's compliments, words of encouragement, spelling corrections(plenty of those) and the begging for more photos of Megan. Don't forget you can always browse the archives to look back at weeks past.

Peace, Safe Travels and Have a Very Happy Holiday.


...Up Next Weeklyphoto 2006.......

Weeklyphoto 12.20.2005

This year's holiday party ended with a kind mixture of beer, bad singning, and timeless memories with friends.

Weeklyphoto 12.19.2005

You've seen plenty of strike images on the news and in the papers. Here is one I took the first day of the strike. Its from the Brooklyn Bridge entrance in front of City Hall.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Weeklyphoto 12.16.2005 (2)

My take on the NYC Transit Strike. This photo was taken this morning on my normal commute into work. This "F" train is normally completely packed with people. Standing room only, sometimes you even have to wait for a train or two just to get a spot. But today empty. All trains were running normal. I got a seat the whole ride. Actually everyone got a seat! Each person that walked on the train had a big joy filled smile on their faces. My only explanation? The media scared everyone to stay home or take alternate ways to work. Their 5 minute panic strikin updates on the impending strike started about 10pm last night and are still going on, well past the midnight deadline to strike. So to everyone who stayed home, thank you! It made my ride to work a pleasure.

Weeklyphoto 12.16.2005

Taken at the 2005 New York City Marathon. Before the Mazor Marathon Party we all went down to Fourth Avenue to watch the wheelchair and lead runners go by. The Williamsburg savings bank building (in the photo) can be seen for miles as the marathoners run up 4th avenue. It caught my eye in the early morning haze. If anyone knows that guy on the left, see if his photo of me turned out.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Weeklyphoto 12.08.2005

How do you measure success? Obviously I've got it all wrong. This shot comes courtesy of Rosa, the guest photographer this week. She caught me in action during my weekly ruler inspection.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Weeklyphoto 11.30.2005

This was taken at the Avenue A flee market. After I snap this shot the woman told me I owed her a dollar for taking her picture. I bought Megan a three dollar plastic ring from her instead. I hope she likes it.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Weeklyphoto 11.11.2005

From our Trip to Napa Valley. Megan celebrates her Marathon finish with the breakfast of champions. Champagne and crackers. I Think she was partial to the Demi Sec if your interested in sending her a gift. This place had a decent tour after our tasting. They also have a small art gallery, mostly showing photography. They have some images of the legends of rock exhibit on their website. Mumm Winery

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Weeklyphoto 10.28.2005

James Turrell's new Skyspace called "Three Gems" at the De Young Museum in San Francisco. The odd lot on the bench is Rashmi and Aaron. You may remember Aaron from his swing photo.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Weeklyphoto 10.13.2005

Last Friday's drinks were on Gabe. Gabe is my office's Hurricane Katrina "Architect-Refuge" who has relocated temporarily to New York with his family. His story of throwing out his entire library of moldy architecture books would make any architect cry.

Some unrelated photos from our trip to Montauk HERE
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